Simplify Complex People Processes
Build custom workflows to automate any manual use case. With a high level overview, custom notifications, and complete flexibility you can ensure nothing and no one falls through the cracks.
Keep It Easy with Templates
Start with pre-built templates for Onboarding, Offboarding, Promotion, Salary Adjustment, Performance Management, Training, and more. Let DreamTeam do the heavy lifting so you can deliver quality work, faster.
Workflow templates like onboarding, offboarding, etc.
Keep It Easy with Templates
Start with pre-built templates for Onboarding, Offboarding, Promotion, Salary Adjustment, Performance Management, Training, and more. Let DreamTeam do the heavy lifting so you can deliver quality work, faster.
Workflow templates like onboarding, offboarding, etc.
Keep Everyone & Everything On Track
Use dynamic triggers and assignees to automatically determine task due dates of specific events such as employee start day, maternity leave, birthday, or any other custom event.
Keep Everyone & Everything On Track
Use dynamic triggers and assignees to automatically determine task due dates of specific events such as employee start day, maternity leave, birthday, or any other custom event.
Keep Everyone & Everything On Track
Use dynamic triggers and assignees to automatically determine task due dates of specific events such as employee start day, maternity leave, birthday, or any other custom event.
Keep Your People Informed
Update the right person with the right task and ensure everything gets completed at the right time. Let DreamTeam automatically notify you when a task has been assigned, and remind you when it needs to be completed.
Task information and an reminder email that triggers when the date is due
Task information and an reminder email that triggers when the date is due
Keep Your People Informed
Update the right person with the right task and ensure everything gets completed at the right time. Let DreamTeam automatically notify you when a task has been assigned, and remind you when it needs to be completed.
Task information and an reminder email that triggers when the date is due
Task information and an reminder email that triggers when the date is due
Keep Your People Informed
Update the right person with the right task and ensure everything gets completed at the right time. Let DreamTeam automatically notify you when a task has been assigned, and remind you when it needs to be completed.
Task information and an reminder email that triggers when the date is due
Task information and an reminder email that triggers when the date is due
Keep an Eye on Everything
Visualize and manage all of your workflows in one place. Our overview section gives you the clarity into who is part of a live workflow and the tasks that require completion.